feng shui alter in front of window with orchid plant

Here at The Simple Home Project, we are passionate about the Five elements of Feng Shui - an essential foundation for achieving balance and harmony in your space. Let's explore each element briefly and how we can use their attributes to create a more harmonious environment.

Origins of the Five Elements

The concept of the five elements in Feng Shui can be traced back to the teachings of Lao Tzu, the founder of Taoism. Taoism revolves around the idea of "the way" or "the path," and living in harmony with the natural flow of life. When approaching a space, we embrace these ideals as we apply the principles of the five elements to help our clients achieve balance and harmony.

Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water

The five elements - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water - each possess unique qualities and benefits. By paying attention to our home environment, we can intentionally channel these elements to make positive changes in our lives.

If you're interested in incorporating the elements into your space, remember to start small. Feng Shui is all about making minor adjustments rather than overhauling everything at once. Begin with one intentional adjustment, observe any changes or energy shifts, and then consider adding more.


Wood element represents growth, vitality, and new beginnings, while also fostering adaptability and compassion. You can invite Wood energy when starting a project or seeking to improve your finances.

To bring Wood into your space:

  • Use the colors green, blue, and teal.

  • Opt for tall or rectangular shapes.

  • Incorporate plant life such as potted plants or flowers.


Fire embodies inspiration, passion, and creativity. It can help you get out of a rut or draw attention when needed. Have you ever noticed that you instantly feel more powerful when wearing red lipstick? That’s the magic of the fire element!

To add Fire to your home:

  • Use the colors red and orange.

  • Introduce spiky or triangular shapes.

  • Include candles or upward-pointing light fixtures.


The Earth element signifies stability, health, and support. When life feels uncertain, the Earth element can provide grounding and balance. Health issues or a need for more support, earth element is what you need.

To embrace Earth energy:

  • Use colors like brown, yellow, and beige.

  • Opt for flat and square shapes, like area rugs.

  • Integrate objects or furniture made from stained or natural wood


Metal represents precision, clarity, and perfection. It's also associated with joy and sophistication. When you crave structure or find yourself in a state of confusion, look to the metal element.

To incorporate the Metal element:

  • Use colors like white, grey, or pale blue.

  • Include circular shapes.

  • Consider adding metal objects like brass or stainless steel.


The Water element symbolizes knowledge, wisdom, and intuition. It's also connected to prosperity and abundance. You may want to bring in water element in order to tap into your intuitive side, or when you want to improve the flow of chi in your space.

To bring in the Water element:

  • Use colors like black and dark blue.

  • Look for wavy or undulating shapes.

  • Consider adding water features or mirrors.

Ready to Create Harmony?

If you're interested in using the five elements to balance your home, The Simple Home Project specializes in this area. Reach out for a discovery call to see how we can work together.




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